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How to update Viber

How to update Viber

You can update Viber on your phone or computer for free. However, before doing this, it is necessary to understand whether it is necessary.

Often, the program itself reminds you of the availability of updates, however, due to a poor Internet connection, accidental reset of settings, notifications may not come.

To check the current version:

  1. Open the app.
  2. Select "Advanced".
  3. Open the "Information, questions, answers" section.


Reasons for the violation of the Viber auto-update

To understand whether you need to install updates or not, go to the Market (android, iPhone) – "My apps, games". If the Viber requires updates, it will appear in the corresponding section.

When you connect the automatic installation of programs (if you have access to Wi-Fi), the smartphone will perform the operation itself.

Official website

It is easier and more reliable to download applications like Viber from the official website of developers. For this:

  • In the Google search bar, enter the name Viber.
  • Click on the first link (the url line contains only the name of the application without additional words).
  • Select the type of program that fits your device (android, microsoft windows, apple, Linux).
  • Confirm the "Install" command/"Download".
  • Here you can also see reviews of each version of the messenger, learning about the problems and benefits.


Why does auto-update not work

There is no auto-update in roaming mode.

Automatic loading may fail in two cases:


  1. The device is roaming. Then, in addition to downloading files, a number of other actions are limited.
  2. Auto-renewal is prohibited. You can check it on the Google Play page in the Viber applications section.
  3. There is no internet connection.


You can fix the problems of the first case:

– by visiting the "Mobile Networks" section ("Settings");

– by activating the "Roaming Data" function. However, an additional fee will be charged for this according to the tariff of the mobile operator.


In the second case:

– open Google Play;

– in the "My apps and Games" tab, click "Viber";

– in the upper right corner, click the three horizontal dots;

– activate the "Auto-Update" function.


In the third, turn off the connection for a couple of seconds.

Instituto CEA

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