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What is the cosplay subculture?

Cosplay is a subculture that has emerged relatively recently. The ancestor of cosplay is Japan. Literally it means "costume game".

Cosplay Essence

Cosplay manifestations have much in common with theatrical performances. The difference is that everyone can participate in these performances. The main task of the protagonist is to immerse himself in the role of the chosen hero as much as possible.

Traditional cosplay is based on anime, but there are many modifications these days. Western heroes are also promoted, such as the characters in The Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter. At times, the player is given the opportunity to invent their own character, showing their talents and ingenuity.

You can play a living being of any gender. In fact, you can become anyone, because you can use the huge arena to do so.

Devoting themselves to their hobby, cosplayers make costumes with their own hands or buy them from our website https://designedby3d.com/product-category/marvel/. Every little thing in the appearance of the copied hero is taken into account. An intense make-up is applied to the face, making it unrecognizable to the caster.

Many heroes have different hair, skin or eyes. Therefore, they actively use colored wigs and foreign lenses. Heroes often wear all sorts of magical items that are also handcrafted.

Performance is the main category of competition. The challenge is to play the character as accurately (or interestingly) as possible. Of course, realistic costumes are also important here, but unlike costume design, judging is heavily influenced by how the contestant portrays the character. On stage, they must constantly play a character: that is, speak and act as if they were the chosen character.

Instituto CEA

Formamos Técnicos en Mecánica Automotriz, Mecatrónica Automotriz y Mecánica de Motos.

Además estamos comprometidos con la formación integral de nuestros egresados a través de especializaciones técnicas intensivas y pasantías internacionales.
